clam question


Reefing newb
Unfortunatly I can not get a picture of this. I bought a clam and put it in my aquarium (without letting it touch the air and after aclimating). It has been in my tank for about 4 days now and I looked at the bottom of the clam (wher the joint for the shell is) and saw something white coming out of the back. When I came back later there was a fuzzy white ball that was laying below that area. sort of like a tiny white kush ball. Can anyone tell me what this is? Should I be concerned? The clam appears to be opening and closing fine.
My clam does the same thing . They like to attach themselves to things. If I were you I'd put him on a good size rock for a day or two ,then u can move him to the sand if you'd like. You don't want him attaching to the bottom glass. That white stuff is really strong,and i be heard of people damaging the clam or their aquariums just trying to remove them
Ok I managed to get some pictures. The clam was knocked off of its rock so I could pick both up. The first two pictures are the white thing the third is the back of the clam that I think it fell out of. Doh trying to get the pictures posted. one moment.
try number two


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