Green rocks


Reefing newb
So i have had a few tanks in the past and this is the first time I have run in to this problem. My rocks with the exception of the few that I have gotten from local sources are all green. Water parameter are as followed:
Temp: 78.9
Ammonia: 0
Nitrates: 0
Nitrites: 0
pH: 8.4
Salinity: 1.022
Phosphates: 0
I am thinking it is just NTS but I am not sure this is the first tank that I have used completely dry rock. I have a picture attached so you can see what i am talking about.


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Ive had some rock do that, they were completely white before and then cycled into that before going to the dulish grey color before they were finally colored with coraline and other hues of colors.

Just my 2c
my rock from bulk reef supply did that when the tank was new. it eventually dulled out after a couple months like Cathic said. it looks to me like the same kind of green film that grows on the glass if you dont clean it for a few days.
Thanks guy it has been like this for about 2 weeks now. Although I have noticed the coralline algae starting to grow on the back of the glass and all the power heads in the tank so I guess I will give it another week or 2 and see what happens.
Mine does that too.. I bought dry/live rock from BRS and after the cycle with that rock I noticed it turned green along with all my other rocks.. I added a GFO reactor recently but i'm thinking that it won't make a difference. Maybe one of those algae CUCs?