Does coloring a fish work ?


Reefing newb
Hi i posted this under identification thread as well . I have a green wrasse at least thats what they sold to me was . It was shipped so was not able to hand pick it out . Any body have ideas ? Mainly posted this here to see if any one has tips on making fish more colorful . Best diet and so on . I did not try to post multiplethread but went in a different direction in this one


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Best thing to feed them is frozen mysis. You can also feed them brine shrimp. Mix it up and the fish will become happier and regain their color.
No, actually you dont want to feed brine. Brine is like fish candy, with not much nurtion to it and wont help "color up" your fish at all. Mysid is good, but it shouldnt be the only thing you are feeding.

The best diet for any fish is a varied one. Go to your LFS and pick out several different things and rotate through them. Variety is the spice of life and key to good nutrition.
i want to stay away from flake as my phos in the past have been a issue . I currently have mysis cubes and brine cubes also dehyrated shrimp I grind up for my coral . I also have silversides I can dice up ... . now what else is there that I can give ? Be nice to throw a clam in there and let them go to town . Any one know how to give a clam safely ? thanks btw
Avoid flaked and pelleted food, most arent as healthy and like you have noticed, they contribute to water quality issues. Stick with a variety of frozen foods. Depending on the fish you have will change how you offer them clams.
i have 2 clowns , a mckosker wrasse , the green wrasse , 1 chromis that thinks he is a clown fish and a lawnmower , lastly a mated pair of neon gobies . One time not sure if this is good or not . i made little cubs from seafood left overs , Has some squid, lobster, clam scallop and threw it all in a mixer and served it but with out it being processed I was afraid of adding bad stuff to the tank . Any other ideas of what to look for at my lfs for frozen . Or what your feeding schedule is I would greatly like to know . been doing this 2 years mainly just coral and have had no issue . Fish are new to me i was really bummed cause my last fish was the green wrasse but he came to me silver like .... And green is my fav color , so im a little let down :(
that sounds like a great mix of food for your fish, and how you prepared it sounds great as well. Just make sure that the food wasnt cooked.

And just check out what your LFS has and pick up a selection of stuff. Right now Im having a hard time thinking about what i often seen in the LFS.

And give the fish some time to settle in, but depending on the species the males and females may look different, or the males wont display their nuptual colors unless there is a female present.
I cant for the life of me find a female mckosker . which he is a flasher and he stopped flashing . so I opted to get another male wrasse and he is flashing again . there is no agression I can tell and there is a ton of rock work .... but everyone i have spoken to states they recived thier green wrasse and it was green . Also male /female they are still green but the males can have pink on the cheeks . then i heard that when they are mature they "can" lose alittle of the lime green apearance . This guy is a 1 1/2 inch so def still a juvi / but he is silver :( trying to determine one if this really is a green wrasse , also IS this fish ok , And if any one has had thier fish regain color . thanks for the quick help btw :)
its kinda hard for me to tell, i would think he is pretty stressed about all the other wrasses in that small of a tank so if he is really a green wrasse it might take some time for him to show his true colors.

Also, i dont think they are reef safe...
so far so good except ..... well they dont touch coral so thats good but they like eating snails and hermits (allready witness that ) my hermits eat the snails and im always buying more snails and hermits so thast not a biggie . hoping i have a update that everything is a-ok
My husband and son said that the people at Pacific East Aquaculture told them that in clown fish they feed krill when they are fry and that helps them have a brighter color. I do not know about other fish.
Using a mix of people seafood from the grocery store is a great idea. Avoid fish, but things like shrimp, crab, oysters, mussels, squid, etc. (all raw and unseasoned) are a good mix for fish and coral food.

My favorite type of frozen food is Rod's Food. Most LFS carry it. It's a good blend that is suitable for almost all the tank inhabitants.
I can tell you from personal experience that clowns fed a mixed died (like Rod's food) will look brighter than a fish only feed brine or mysid shrimp
I can tell you from personal experience that clowns fed a mixed died (like Rod's food) will look brighter than a fish only feed brine or mysid shrimp

When I first read this I thought you meant that the ones fed a mix died! Damn typos LOL

As for feeding a mix, can you take a variety of frozen foods, thaw them and mix them into fish goo or a slurry, and then refreeze it and use it? Or once thawed does it all go bad?
The only reason flakes lead to poor water quality is the fact that people over feed and don't cleanup their mess. Same with any other food really. So it seems to me it's not exactly fair nor does it seem reasonable and logical to blame the issue on the food for the lackadaisical approach of the owner.
The only reason flakes lead to poor water quality is the fact that people over feed and don't cleanup their mess. Same with any other food really. So it seems to me it's not exactly fair nor does it seem reasonable and logical to blame the issue on the food for the lackadaisical approach of the owner.

Flakes and pellets have higher phosphates than do frozen foods. Therefore, when over fed, they tend to cause more issues than their frozen counterparts.
A mix of frozen foods is good but I do not like most of them. I think frozen foods are a source of ich. The ability of parasites to reanimate after freezing is well known.

Blood worms come from a fresh water source and so can't have marine ich. Some frozen foods are gamma irradiated to kill parasites. Others are frozen to -6F for 72 hours and this will kill all parasites. Look for a label that says "parasite free".