Angler Fish Disease


Reefing newb
My Angler fish seemed to of gotten this growth on his foot and has lost his appetite. He used to eat frozen fish every couple of days. Now he will only eat if I get him live food. Seemed to really lost his appetite. Any idea what the growth is? How to cure?

Thanks for any help/advice!



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You know, I'm no expert on fish diseases, so I would just have to guess, but it looks like some sort of tumor or cancer. It's called lymphocytosis in fish, and it's not very common. There is no cure or treatment for lymphocytosis, but the tumor can go away on its own if you keep high water quality and the fish is eating well and acting healthy. It's caused by a virus, so the fish will always have the virus, and the growths can come and go (they always have the disease, it can just be dormant for long periods of time). If you keep conditions good and stress low, the fish can sometimes just keep it at bay if their immune system is strong enough.

That would just be my guess from the picture. You may want to send the picture to the guys at Wet Web Media -- they truly are experts at diagnosing fish disease.
It could be a few things, and there isnt a whole ton you can do about them

1. Some sort of abscess or swelling under the skin due to infection or mechanical damage. I would try feeding some of Dr. G's medicated food that is a broad spectrum antibiotic. This may not be a viable option if he isnt eating. If you can remove him to a QT tank, i would try treating with some sort of broad spectrum antibiotic
2. Some sort of cancer lump, not much you can do about it but keep your water quality as good as possible