hammer coral not opening up


Reefing newb
coral was doing great with my 55gal (pc 265watts) then went to 110 tall tank (30" tall)t5 6 bulb and coral is now placed 8 inches from the top of the tank and they wont open up fully like before.the hammer has been there for over a yr. before i couldnt see the inside it was all the way full with its arms. any suggestions

salinity 1.024 refract.
dkh 2.9 (hanna checker
phos 0 (hanna checker
temp 80f


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did you acclimate the coral to light at all? because you have upgraded from a very weak light to a very good light and if the coral was used to trying to get everything it could from the pc lights it could be in shock from the new light source.
this happened when i got my first hammer frag.its a good thing to keep in mind when upgrading lights.i love hammers i recently acquired a orange hammer.beautiful i love watching the little heads grow into full size heads.
Just a little update on my hammers. Moved them 8-10 inches down in tank and boom they opened right up. Back to the size of a softball. Thanks alot everyone on the light shock info.