Ocellaris Clowns and RBTA


Reefing newb
Hey guys I just bought a pair of juvenile of ocellaris clownfish and I am wondering if I can get them to host in my rose bubble tip anemone. I know they don't take to this anemone in the wild but I've seen it done before are there any ways I can I sure that they will host it. I've already tried putting them alone in my refuge and it's not working any other ideas?


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They may never host. But try putting food in the nem and making the clowns go in after it. This sounds silly but I know someone who put a picture of clowns in a nem on the opposite end of the tank which his nem is and in a few days his clowns started hosting. He thinks his fish were intimidated buy the pic and took to the nem for safety. Wether its true or works...dunno...but it worked for him.
You never know with nems and clowns! I've had clowns host a condy nem before, and my saddle backs had hosted a neon bubble tip at the lfs (which btw is not their natural host nem). So just give it time. Maybe once everything settles in they'll feel more comfortable and host.