Brown algae, is this normal??

well i alwas clean my tank on a daily basis so idk if it comes back really. i guess as long as you keep it clean and have really good flow than you should be fine.
that is diatoms, which are normal in new tanks and should go away on their own as long as you arent using tap water or sand with a lot silicates in it
+1 little_fish

I have never had a problem with it for 3 reasions

1) i use RODI water
2) My clean up crew will clean up any little bits of algea
3) I am alwas cleaning the tank every time i can so i clean the glass everyday and do my weekly stuff to keep it all down.
Here is the pictures of the Diatoms. Oh, and my lighting fixture!!! :( hope they go away.


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i like the little castle. but ya it will go away just keep up with the cleaning and you will have it all gone.
I also recomend that you go to
get some snails and crabs.
another thing you can do is use your gravel vac to clean the sand.
your doing great keep it up! [Cheer]