Yellow Tang possible Fin Rot or Lymphocystis??


Reefing newb
Hello All,

My yellow tang has been in our tank happily for over a week. He eats great and enjoys his sea weed snack every other day. Today while cleaning the skimmer I noticed he had what appeared to be a piece of food stuck to his fin. It never fell off and almost looks like a cloud. (great descriptions I know!) Im wondering what you all think or have saw from experience?

I just did a 10 gallon water change but checked the water before:

75 Gallon Tank with 55 Gallon sump running for a couple months
Ph 8.2
Ammonia 0
Nitrites 0
Nitrates 5
Salinity 1.024 (checked with refractometer)
Phosphate 0
Calcium right around 400

I have 2 120 watt LED fixtures over the tank. Blues come on for 1 1/2hr - then 7 hrs of blues and whites - then just blues again for 1 1/2hrs.

Everything else seems to be enjoying the tank:

2 clowns
1 diamond goby
1 flame angel
1 wrasse

I wonder if it is stress? My tank is in a wall and see thru. The last few days I have been leaving the back cover off. Maybe he is always freaking out looking for me on both sides? :shock:

Either way I have changed water and gave him his treat tonight. He was eating the sea weed when I went upstairs.

What is everyones thoughts?

*Note* I understand a yellow tang is generally not recommended for a 75. My plan is to watch him as he grows and if he seems unhappy I will rehome him. :Cheers:


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    tang fin 1.webp
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The first picture also shows his bottom fin turning white in a small area? I am not sure if this was there before or if it is new. I will be monitoring it however to see what happens.

Also there is a yellow tail damsel in the tank also.
About 25lbs of live rock and 50 or dry added a few weeks ago.


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    front tank all fish.webp
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If it is white and cottony/cloudy looking it is probably Lympho. My juvi Majestic Angel came down with it when I first got him and had many spots all over his fins. Reduce stress, feed a good diet (soak in vitamins) and keep the water quality up and it will go away on its own, but it will take a while. Took about three weeks to a month for my angels to clear up, but now he's fine.
Some fish are sensitive to nitrates. 20 ppm will cause fin rot on Mandarins. With your nitrates at 5 , though, I would doubt that is the cause here.
Thanks for the responses! To be honest I dont know if my nitrates are even at 5. The color difference on the chart between 0-5 seems so close to my eyes that I never truly know what it is. I just always put 5 to be on the safe side. I thought my Nems would show signs of distress if there was a nitrate problem first?
If it is white and cottony/cloudy looking it is probably Lympho. My juvi Majestic Angel came down with it when I first got him and had many spots all over his fins. Reduce stress, feed a good diet (soak in vitamins) and keep the water quality up and it will go away on its own, but it will take a while. Took about three weeks to a month for my angels to clear up, but now he's fine.

That is exactly what it looks like. Ill monitor and provide feedback as it is availible. Is the vitamins to soak the food in at Petco or more of a specialty item?
As long as your Petco sells Marine supplies they might have a vitamin soak. If not your LFS would. Get something like Selcon, Zoe, Zoecon also Garlic Extract is a good soak. There are a few different brands to choose from.