Colony Polyp - sure death but why?


Reefing newb
Hi guys,

I had a colony polyp for about 5 days, when one morning, it looked as if something had taken bites out of it. I do have a flame angel and majestic angel in the tank. A few of the polyps had closed up as well.

I tried to reposition the polyp, but no luck. I contacted the shop I bought it from, and they said something like a "slug" could be living amongst the coral which makes it close up, and that I should 15sec drip it in fresh water with the same Ph levels. I tried that, and all the polyps then closed up and never opened again.

Attached picture is at present, and I am sure it is dead.

Comments greatly appreciated!


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I have a pussey coral and green clove polyp. They both doing really well. I tried repositioning coral in the tank and no luck at all. Coral was open and doing well for first 5 days in tank, after that, just closed up.
looks pretty unhappy to me...

As a soft coral, its a likely target for the attention from the angels, and if its missing bits im sure someone is snacking on it.

Also the more you mess with a coral, the more likely you are to kill it. Also doing a freshwater dip is really fast way to kill any coral, next time get some CoralRX and use that with some saltwater to dip the coral.
Hmmm it was a hard lesson learned. The coral is apparently poisonous to fish if eaten, and so the fish wouldn't eat it. After my initial thoughts of it being eaten, I realised that it is just dead bits rotting off. There were tiny white little bugs that were swarming the coral when it first fell ill. Sadly so sad the coral is out the tank now and went to Coral Heaven.
i highly doubt that the coral is poisonous to your fish, they eat soft corals in the wild including some corals that are highly toxic to humans. and the white bugs are eating the dead/dying flesh
The fish shop I bought it from, the guy that owns it is a "fish doctor" if that is the appropriate term, and he told me that it is poisonous. But either way, not going to dwell on its death, just to understand why it died and prevent further issues.

As mentioned my other corals are doing really well and have grown twice the size from when I bought them, so would not believe it is due to poor tank/water quality.