Help with identifying fish and coral>.<


Reefing newb
I bought these fishes and the coral a few days before but I forgot to ask the guy what fish and coral they are
Can anyone help me identify the species?
Also the yellow fish has a strange habit of spitting water out of the tank, is it noraml???


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The first fish looks like a Yellow Longnose Butterfly fish and if it is I hope its not in your 15.8 liter tank... It would need much more room. The second is a Cardinalfish (I think its a Kaudern Cardinalfish?).
+1 you have the butterfly fish in your tank? They need at least 70g (or around 265 liters) I also noticed you have a from what I gather you have at least 3 fish in an itty bitty tank? I really hope your profile tank description is wrong Please tell me your tank is much much larger. :shock:
Domino Damsels are nasty little buggers. They can get rather ugly even kill other fish. and i have to say awesome clownfish you have there i love Picasso clowns :D