Bristle Worm?


Reefing newb
I've seen this guy and his buddy hanging around the past week or 2...guess they hitchhiked in on some LR. I'm assuming they are bristle worms and probably harmless. Can anyone confirm this? How big will they get and how quickly do they reproduce? They certainly aren't the prettiest things in the tank and it survived without them until now, so I may pluck them out.

Can anyone give me some compelling reasons not to?


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that is a bristle worm and if you have one, you have hundreds more. Just leave them alone, they are one of the best cleaners you can have. And they can get super long, but I hardly ever see them longer than a few inches. And the more you feed your tank, the more food there is from them to grow on and the fast they can reproduce.
They get to be very long...i have a couple that is about 2-3inchs...not 100% can't measure them...if they get to be a problem with over population there are many creatures that love to dine on them