elegance coral rescue


Reefing newb
ok guys i was given a sorry looking elegance coral today,well i placed it in my 20 long under 2 65w pc 50/50s and was wondering if there was anything else i can do to help this coral recover if its even possible,so far just being in the 20 has seemed to show a vast improvement over the way it looked at the lfs actualy showing some life now first pic is how it looked at the lfs the rest of the pics are showing improvement over the last hour


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+1 smitty

yeah I'd do what smitty said. I'd mash up a little clam and brine and use an eyedropper and target the whole thing and just have an eye on it it does look rough but not lost yet... it will take a lot of TLC but most of all time. if you have the will there's the means to save it :D never give up never surrender

just to add

The Catalaphyllia Elegance Coral is moderate to maintain in the reef aquarium and makes an excellent choice for the beginner to expert hobbyist. Provide ample space in the aquarium between it and other neighboring corals as it will expand to twice its usual size during the day and will sting other corals in close proximity to it. It is best to place the skeleton of the coral into a soft substrate. The soft substrate is less likely to irritate the fleshy underside of the coral when compared to the rockwork. Clownfish may accept this coral as its host if no anemone is present. Use caution when handling, as it is very fragile and can also sting its handler.
Ideal reef aquarium conditions for the Elegance Coral should include moderate lighting with moderate water movement. For continued good health, it will also require the addition of calcium, strontium, and other trace elements to the water.
It will benefit from additional food fed daily in the form of micro-plankton or brine shrimp.
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well its looking much better today then yesterday,havent fed it yet but things are looking up,thanks smitty and zyber dude
here is a pic i took about an hour ago


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im running bb on the 20 so no sand bed to place it on,any other thoughts on placement other then a sand bed? i think it stung me yesterday getting it in the tank,had a big red welt on one of my fingers,seems fine now but really iched and stung at the same time,oh well live and learn lol
im running bb on the 20 so no sand bed to place it on,any other thoughts on placement other then a sand bed? i think it stung me yesterday getting it in the tank,had a big red welt on one of my fingers,seems fine now but really iched and stung at the same time,oh well live and learn lol

if you felt like it you could get a small bag of sand and a plastic/plex tray that would work also. I see my friends do that here with there elegance and there clam's when they do egg crating bottoms for there frag tanks or if they just want a bare bottom.

just a suggestion because the sand is easier on there underside than the rock.
ok its looking even better today,i think its going to be just fine,feeding it right now and it seems to be eating,i placed it in a pvc coupler so the flesh wont be touching any rock or even any sand here are the pics i took just a few mins ago,its eating so the center isnt out as much as it was


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thats awesome looks wonderful :D grate job there and for free BONUS!!!! there must of been something wrong with the water at the shop you got it from or something in the tank that stressed it the frig out to the point of near death!!!
thanks guys,i think i got a great deal for free,there must have been something majorly whacked out with the tank water at the store for the fast turn around like this
well its been 2 weeks in the QT tank to make sure it wasnt going to die,today i placed it in the 75 and its looking great,cant believe my luck at getting this to servive with my luck lol


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yea lost a peppermint shrimp and a damsel to this hungary coral but if 15 bucks is what i had to pay to help this elegance thrive then so be it,definatly going to have to feed this guy a couple times a week i guess lol