Mushroom coral acting funny


Reefing newb
So we got a purple mushroom coral about 3 days ago. We put it in our tank and it opened up immediately. Now, since yesterday it has been kinda shrively and only partially open. Also it is turning from a purple to a darker purple with rusty red mixed in. It is in a lower flow area and has medium light due to being knida in a cave. Water paramaters are good. what could be causing this? Different lighting? It is under a 4 bulb t5 fixture.
Here's a pic.


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Oh good to hear :) sorry probably going to be a lot of bombardment of coral questions from me in the upcoming weeks. I've got 2 books I read for reference and have done HOURS of research online and still have tons of questions. I tested my nitrates again today and we have about 5ppm nitrates. It is so hard to distinguish between the colors but I believe it is 5-10 ppm. Is this too high? everything else is still good. I just did a water change with RO/DI water yesterday.
We have been feeding twice daily since it is a newish tank I guess do you think cutting back to every other day would make a difference? we have our HOB fuge with chaeto in it now, our skimmer, and about 30 plus pounds of live rock. I just don't see what it would be besides the food. Also, what is a good food to feed? right now we use marine flakes and this Omega one kind.