what the heck is this thing?


Reefing newb
hi guys,

newbie here...um, i found this weird little blob in my tank the other day..i thought it might be the body of my tiger cowrie who i havent seen in months..but then i noticed it had antennae of sorts..so i moved it closer to the front of the tank to get a look.

after a couple days of looking at it, i noticed it was some sort of snail/slug. i didnt buy this so its a hitchhiker. but the thing is, its upside down. i keep trying to roll it over so it can get up but its so bottom heavy that its just constantly on its back lol. theres a shell on it, kinda like a half clam shell, not even big enough to cover its bum. i took a couple pics of it just now to see wut u all think.

these are unedited raw shots so sorry if they suck :P oops sorry the 2nd one is meant to be rotated.


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mmm yeah..gross lol looks like it.

but um..how do i get to go right side up?? it doesnt know how to roll over and everytime i try to flip it it balls up and ends up on its back again lol