Converting my tank


Reefing newb
I'm still new at this even though I've had my tank for about 9 months now. After a visit to the LFS, I saw a tank on the counter that looked awesome with coral reefs in it. I want to have a similar setup. I am wondering if I can easily switch to this? If so, what would I need? I figure I would have to start with doing some aquascaping and then upgrading my lighting? Anything else?

26 gallon bow front tank
Basic starter filter
14w x 2 SolarMax HE light
Live sand and live rocks
2 clown fish

See picture for what the inspiration is.
Also, what are those coral reefs that they have there? I want them.


  • coral reef tank.JPG
    coral reef tank.JPG
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All of those are soft corals, so might not even need to upgrade your lights.

Here are the corals i see:
Green star polyps
Zoas (a few types)
Yellow polyps
several different types of leathers

No need to really change much, i think you try adding any of those corals now and see how they do.
OK great. Thanks for the reply. I was examining the tank just now and see how I can move the rocks around. Going to give it a shot this weekend and ask for some fish money for my birthday. I hope the wife is good to me! :)