what am i supposed to do with all this algae in my fuge?


I Love Reefer
a couple days ago i threw a handful of snails in there but theyve mostly just cleaned the glass. i try to scrape off all the algae i could of glass so theyll stay on the sand and rocks but theyve barely made a dent so far. i hadnt gotten any algae in my main tank until my fuge got this bad. should i get more cleaners for my fuge or? or take out rocks and scrub em?
i know im not really supposed to mess with stuff in there. should i buy some marine algea fix stuff? help pls.


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When the algae gets that long not many snails will touch it.. Few things, Is your tank near a window ( natural light helps to fuel it)? Overfeeding or overstocked? lacking enough waterchanges. Any one of those can fuel an algae outbreak like that.. I would cut it down as low as I could get to the rocks( then the snails will help) then look at the other things I mentioned along with your lighting ( on to long or bulbs getting bad)....
not near a window. usually feed twice a day. water changes once a week. should i take the rocks out and scrub em off?
another thing...i used to leave my fuge light on 24/7. i just started turning it off when i turn on my tank light.
yeah most of us run them on off schedules.. fuge on at night then off during the day when the display is on.. I personally wouldnt remove the rock, had blooms like that a couple times, cut back on feeding cut the grass as low as you can get it to the rocks so the snails will attack it, keep up on the waterchanges ( ro/di I am assuming) if not tap water can cause it also.. need to try to starve out the algae... Your nutrient load is running high which is fueling the algae.. Just make sure you cuc is large enough and a mixture of a few different snails too,, Like nerites, dwarf ceriths, ceriths, nassarius, maybe a turbo or so..
+1 Marcah
Just pluck as much out by hand as possible, I used to have some really bad algae issues, ran chaeto and a reactor with no avail, but then i added Grape Caulerpa and all the GHA started going brown and just falling off, ever since then, no algae issues.
I agree with the above ideas, just pull as much of it by hand, and let your cuc do their job. Turbo snails seem to do the best job imo.
before i did a water change, i pulled off as much algae as i can last night and in the morning i could tell the snails made a considerable difference. also ill switch to every other day feedings. thanks.
rodi all the algea is under control now thanks guys. been cycling the lights opposite each other and less frequent feedings.