Sebae Anemone


Reefing newb
I recently purchased a Sebae anemone for my 55 gallon tank. It seems to be doing well but I am not familiar with all of its doings and I want to make sure it is still alright. It shrinks at night which I was told was normal. Today however it looks swollen. I have tried to feed it pieces of shrimp and other meaty foods but It has not eaten any of it and actually shrinks into itself after I try. The attached picture shows the swelling. Is my anemone healthy or do I need to do something.

specific gravity 1.025
pH 8.4
Temp 78.2
Nitrates >10
Nitrites 0
Ammonia >.25


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If your ammonia reading is accurate, that's a very dangerous level -- it could be fatal to your fish and inverts. Double check that ammonia. If it still reading that high, you will need to do emergency water changes. Ammonia should never be above zero in an established tank.

As for the anemone, the shrinking and swelling is normal. Some may accept foods, others will not. What type of lighting do you have? They require very strong lighting.
Sorry I meant my Ammonia levels are > .25 the color doesn't look like zero but doesn't match .25 either. My lighting is 4 T5 bulbs 2 10,000K and 2 Actinic 420nm. The colof of the anemone looks good though it is mostly brown with purple tips a few of the arms are white with purple tips.
It's pretty common to get ammonia readings of .25 when they are actually 0. If your livestock seems healthy and you've had nothing die recently, then it's probably just giving you a false positive.

Your lighting is on the weak side for an anemone. It's possible that it would be okay, but if it starts to get even whiter, your lighting is a likely culprit. A tannish color is normal and healthy for those guys. If it starts to bleach (whiten) that's an indication of poor health.
+1 Biffy

I personally dont think that is good enough lighting to keep a sebea nem, that would maybe be good enough for a bubble tip or condy, but I would still worry.