new coral frag


Not That Kind Of Reefer
IMAG0053.webp this is a pic when i have lights on it. i have these 2 led bulbs that are dark blue for the night that i turn on because i have recently discovered that it kind of glows a neon orange color with them on but then it qucikly closes. is it suppose to do that?
Zoa's normally only close when something is bothering/crawling/swimming through them, or when the lights are out mine close up most of the way. Once the lights get turned on, they start to open up and stay open unless one of the previous things I mentioned happen. Give it some time, it is probably just adjusting to the new lighting.

Nice looking coral frag. They will grow like crazy once they settle in.
So I'm guessing it was either because I turned the light off or it was the snail touching it.
So does this mean I won't be able to enjoy its glow in the dark looking colors?
Also how fast would you think this will grow. It only has one head and I just got it yesterday for 5 bucks. This is my first ever frag so idk what to do or expect except for some readings I looked up yesterday. Any tips
they can take a few weeks to settle in, but zoas normally grow really fast. Also some of my zoas close at night, others stay open, it depends on the individual if they will stay open.
Well I just bought it when I bought some other bunch of rocks. Would my snail eat it or am I on the safe side now
Well it really likes being all over it. I put it between the rocks so its kind of snug. I have a piece of rock that is about 2inches long 1 wide and is very thing. Do u think I should put the frag there hoping to have it grow on it or would it grow over the pointy one u se in the pic
I would place it near where you would like it to begin to take off. Sometimes that is hard to do early on when placing corals, but if you like where it is and would like to have 50 more of those guys all bunched up near that spot in your tank in a year, then I would leave it where it is.
The thing will be is what type of reef tank are you shooting for? Mixed, all softies, ect.. If you will be adding a bunch of corals over time then I would start making a plan as to what you would want your tank to look like in a year and what will those corals need to thrive. Visit some of the other tank builds and see if you see some things you like, and keep asking questions.
Well right now I'm going for a more of like it buy it as I go thing and look at what I got in half a year. Then make plans. Right now everything will look good to me cuz I got no coral except a frag. And another color I'm getting later today
I understand. Just keep thinks from touching each other when you place the new corals until you get ready to place everything where you want it. Be warned though, those zoa's can spread pretty fast once they take hold and will attach to whatever they touch. Good first coral. They are still some of my favorites.
yea i got a green looking one with about 4 or five heads yesterday and i placed it away from the other one. how do i know the heads are mature because only one seems to open fully the others seem to want to but they close up when i turn the lights off and leave my blue leds. the only one stays open and shines neon green its really cool
if anyone is still interested in the corals. my green corals are gone. but my one orange zoa has budded a new head. smaller but still cool. i see another one or two coming soom so im kinda happy about that.