Red coraline or cyano?


Reefing newb
I've got a growth of some sort thats been growing for about 2 weeks now, its a deep maroon color and is on my rock and is now about the size of a quarter. I've read that cyano should blow away if you point a powerhead at it, this dosent. Should it blow away like a dust if it is cyano? Or blow off the rock in chunks? I've heard of red coraline but I dont know. I doubt if i'm that lucky. Heres a bad pic of it thats probably no help at all. Any input is appreciated, Thanks,


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cyano is slimey --coralline is not. Cyano comes form light and 'trates. How to reduce 'trates is a very long discussion but the easiest way is not to under-stock your tank with fish.
Not to understock? I've got a 55 gal. tank with a 20 gal sump with a pair of clowns, a damsel, 1 pep shrimp, a serpent star, 2 snails and 3 small hermits, do you think that would be understocked or about right?