Help Identifying Sea star


Reefing newb
Below are pictures of my sea star that I have had for about 1 year.
It was a gift from my past housemate who bought and introduced it to my tank while I was away (bit annoying but since it didn't affect my clownfish, tank balance and it survived I'm not so bothered now). However, I was told it would keep the tank clean. But it doesn't do a very good job so now I'm wondering if it even eats algae or whether its just been eating my clown fishes scraps. I have struggled to identify him to find specific care instructions, so thought I would ask here. See description and photos below (will post more photos if necassary):

Colour and texture: Brick Red with flat scales
Size: 7 cm across from tip to tip
Tank mates: Just 1 clown fish (only 5cm)
Tentacles (under arms): can reach approximately 4mm (observation)
Arms: 5 with tips that always turn upward
Mouth: (Will update photos and description when he moves onto tank wall)


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