Coral is not "opening"


Reefing newb
I have had this coral in my tank for about 6 weeks. The past week i noticed that it is not "opening" up. What should i do/change/alter, etc...????


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don't know my exact parameters, but everything was OK when i checked this past weekend. water temp hovering around 78.2.
Sorry, but what are egg sacks and nudi's?
does this picture help with the diagnosis?

And, where did these things come from? I have not added anything new to the tank since these were added.


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If it is nudis, they probably came in on the zoas. Possibly as egg sacs that hatched. I really cant tell anything from the pics, but maybe you can inspect them closer now that you know what to look for.
Different corals have different needs for flow and light. The idea of low, moderate and strong for light and flow levels falls short.

I recently had a Lobo that stayed retracted for weeks. I finally moved him up on the rocks so the light hit him from a different angle and he opened up in an hour and stayed open,
Thanks everyone! What is best method to get rid of these things? I do not have a quarantine tank.

Coral Rx worked for me but its a matter of keeping an eye out for them even after words then dipping each time you see them. Also dipping your corals before they enter your tank helps towards the prevention of this evil pest. thats if what I'm seeing as some questionable specks are Nudi's.
here is another picture from a different angle.(along with one of my snails getting up close and personal.) looks like it is already dieing. Can it be saved with Coral Rx?


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forgot to ask - everyone still agree with original diagnosis?
Sorry dude but I still think its prob Nudi's they suck big time I'd dip them and quit them asap. zoa are vary beautiful corals it would be a damn shame to lose them
any who best of luck on getting rid of them if it is a Nudi issue. other wise try the light re-acclamation.