Other clown death :/


Reefing newb

Woke up this morning and my clown was swimming around like normal. Put a quarter of a cube food into the tank and my clown didn't touch it. I then phoned my partner at lunch time and asked her to do the same but it still wouldn't eat anything.

I came home tonight to find that the little fella had died.

I did a water test:

PH: 8.2
Nitrite: 0.02ppm
Nitrate: 10mg/ppm
Alk: 8
Ammonia: 0.01mg/ppm
Salinity : 1.023
Temp: 77

Could stress kill my clown , it wouldn't find a place to sleep at night and was constantly swimming. My cleaner shrimp and snails are all fine.

Didn't you just have another clown die? Or is that someone else I'm thinking of?
Also... I'm too lazy to go look.
Unfortunately, new fish do sometimes die from the stress of being transferred. How did you acclimate him? You might have just gotten a bad pair. What size were the clowns? Sometimes if you get larger ones, they might handle the stress better. Sorry to hear. Always hard to lose fish, no matter how short/long you've been in the hobby.
I used the drip method for about an hour. The clowns was around 10cm long.

I'm going to wait for my new rock to arrive and lights. Get myself a anemone to give them a correct place to stay.
10cm?!?!? Thats huge!! Are you sure?? Or was it not a Ocellaris?
And I would say no to the anemone, they dont need it, they will host or "live" wherever they want. If you add a nem this early on you may just crash your whole tank. I would wait.
Sorry for the blunt picture. Not very big at all


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Did you remove the uneaten food after you put it in? Because you shouldnt have nitrites or ammonia in your tank. The stress from ammonia being present could have been enough to kill them
Yeah I saw that, but I figured if he tested it after the clown died, I figured it was slightly possibly the cause for the visible ammonia/nitrites.
I need to do a water change however im still waiting for my salt to arrive.. 2 day holiday in spain at the moment.

My new skimmer isnt full broke in yet but is pulling yellow water and food out of the tank.

Can i mix different brands of salts?
Yep! A skimmer wont pull uneaten food out of the tank, you need to go in and manually remove the food that is just sitting on the bottom. If you have been putting in that much food every day and they have been eating all it, its very likely they died for ammonia poisioning
I was feeding my clown and shrimp around 5-10% a cube once a day and at night i would give my clown 2-3 flakes at night time. I'm going to do another test tonight.

As from my last post, can i mix different brands of salt ? I need to do a water change and my local store doesn't have the same brand.


I'm going to do a water change. I'm thinking of a 30% water change as i did a 10% water change about a week and a half ago.

30% too much?
I'm going to guess that it was the ammonia / nitrite that was the issue here -I would do a water change and monitor your levels. Once they've come down I'd let the tank run for a good week or so before adding any other fish