Purple Tip plate coral not looking good


Reefing newb
I noticed my Purple Tip plate coral is looking more like overcooked spaghetti...I used to be able to see the tentacles with the nice purple tips, now it looks like the tentacles have shriveled up and it's showing what I think is part of the skeleton. My clownfish is hosting it, so is it possible that the clownfish is what's causing the damage? All the readings are normal, except calcium is a little high. Any ideas? Thanks


  • plate coral and clownfish.jpg
    plate coral and clownfish.jpg
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What kind of lighting is it under?

It's certainly possible that the clown is stressing out the coral. Plates are pretty sensitive as far as LPS goes and they usually don't take well to clowns beating them up.
48" Deep Blue Solar Extreme, 2 daylight lamps, 10000K, 2 actinic lamps, and moonlights. Moonlights run 24 hrs, daylight and actinic lamps 8 hrs.
I only have the one clownfish, and he's not that big, could he be causing this kind of damage? Any way I can save this coral?
I would assume the clown is stressing it also...i had a clown in the past kill my duncan coral from trying to host it.
Plates are particualarly sensitive to phosphates. You should get a good test at the LFS fast. It doesn't take long for plates to die.