calcium alkalinity question


Reefing newb
I was at my lfs today and asked me what my alk and cal reading was. Sold me b-ionic calcium buffer system 2 parts. One alk and one calc. Said I should ad this through out the week to keep good readings and pay attention to what my tank is supporting and keep that routine. Well I tested my tank when I got home for those readings and its perfect. Should you still add this to maintain or is this something you start when it starts to go bad. My head hurts. Tank looks great if I do say so myself


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Unfortunately, your LFS sold you something you don't need. You only need to start adding that stuff when your water changes can't keep up with the amounts of Cal and Alk being used up.
+1 Brian...weekly water changes will provide the levels you need, unless you have a bunch of sps's that's depleting the levels quickly.
My Alk is always low. I have to dose 2LF Alk like 2-3 times a week to keep it over the 8dKh range.

My calcium is always off the chart though with just water changes. It is basically 450 or higher just from that.

I am going to start a thread about this right now.
I'm in a similar boat to Phastroh, I dont have to dose Cal, but I definitely have to dose Alk every day in my tank and I dont even have that much coral