New addition

You'd better watch out, I might come up there and sneak a wrasse in your tank while you're at work ;)
Sarah, I have a video of my tank uploading now - my iPhone has the old school crappy camera, and its hard to get decent photos out of it
I meant ugly in the best possible way guys, I promise. They are not the type of fish you think of when you think "saltwater fish." People tend to picture brightly colored, elegant fish. But, I love the look of the gobies and blennies with their eyebrows and frowns. Fun little personalities.
Northstar, just watched your video. Awesome! Now THAT is a saltwater tank. Your Potter's is nice and fat!
So....... whadya get whadya get whadya get?!?!?!?
Nothing :( Sigh. They didn't get anything in that did it for me, you know? No yellow watchmans. No flames. They did have a bunch of non reef safe angels. No starry blenny. No RG. Tons and tons of tangs and damsels and anglers and clowns and cardinals. Not a SINGLE wrasse. None. So at least their was something to be happy about.
They had a HUGE goby there, he was 6 inches and thick! They just said he was a "shrimp goby" and I've searched for pics but can't figure out what he is. He was a cool dark gray with contrasting blue spots. But, I wouldn't buy him without knowing exactly what he was. He was also $40! I told those guys they are outta their mind.
In "oh my gosh I want a new fish!" desperation I almost got the sharknosed but he had some spots on him, which I was told "most small fish do." But...
So, I'm thinking about making a road trip and going to this giant "warehouse" type saltwater place today.
Have you guys seen the tailspot blenny?? He looks awesome/hilarious on liveaquaria.
UGHHH!! I was so excited to see what you were going to get! Hopefully they will have a nice Blenny at the giant "warehouse" type saltwater place lol.
Nothing :( Sigh. They didn't get anything in that did it for me, you know? No yellow watchmans. No flames. They did have a bunch of non reef safe angels. No starry blenny. No RG. Tons and tons of tangs and damsels and anglers and clowns and cardinals. Not a SINGLE wrasse. None. So at least their was something to be happy about.
They had a HUGE goby there, he was 6 inches and thick! They just said he was a "shrimp goby" and I've searched for pics but can't figure out what he is. He was a cool dark gray with contrasting blue spots. But, I wouldn't buy him without knowing exactly what he was. He was also $40! I told those guys they are outta their mind.
In "oh my gosh I want a new fish!" desperation I almost got the sharknosed but he had some spots on him, which I was told "most small fish do." But...
So, I'm thinking about making a road trip and going to this giant "warehouse" type saltwater place today.
Have you guys seen the tailspot blenny?? He looks awesome/hilarious on liveaquaria.

Wahhhhh I just added a fire shrimp, a few turbo snails, a flame scallop (yeah yeah yeah I know) and a crab. My two clowns were doing the happy dance this morning, I think I lucked out HA.

Go buy more stuff!!! Starry Blenny is awesome.

And spotted watchman goby is one of the kewlest fish ever. I think their face resembles a lionfish for some reason.

PICS PICS PICS PICS PICS after you clean out the warehouse =D
Have you guys seen the tailspot blenny?? He looks awesome/hilarious on liveaquaria.

I've never seen anyone that's had a tailspot that didn't love them and their personality. I've never been able to find one at my LFS unfortunately.
I've never seen a tailspot blenny in person either, but it looks really cool in the pictures. Of course you can't go wrong with the starry blenny! Okay enough already ;)
I "lost" a chromis. So, down to 2 of them and a clown. Tried the LFS again yesterday, no exciting blennies, no flame angel, no watchman goby. Sigh. But, I did add a peppermint shrimp and a six line wrasse. They were hanging out together in the tank and I've loved the look of that little six line forever now and decided to try him out. Hopefully I got a sweet one. They are swimming around happily today. :)
From what I've heard its very common for the chromis to kill off the smallest one, sometimes until there's only one left. My smallest guy is missing a few scales and I worry the same thing will happen. I heard you should feed a small amount a few times a day to reduce aggression. If mine dies I don't think I'll get more chromis. Congrats on the six line and peppermint :) I love my peppermint shrimp.
Haven't seen the peppermint since I added him :( Six line is still out and about being nice.
A few weeks ago I was talking to the guys at my LFS and I was mentioning/bitching (I'm good at it) that they just weren't getting any exciting fish in. So they asked what I was looking for and I mentioned a couple of fish. I just got a call from them, they special ordered me a Flame Angel and it came in today! I'm so excited. If I'd a known I would not have added the six line since I know you're not supposed to add fish that close together. I hope it will be ok, bioload-wise.
So, I'll have some FUN pictures tonight!
My new Flame Angel and Six Line Wrasse!
Both seem very happy exploring the tank and swimming with the other fish.


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