

Reefing newb
I am a little concerned and almost scared. I have no idea what this purple stuff is growing on my tank glass. I tried to clean it but it feels like spaghetti sauce that has dried up on your plate. I tried to scrap it off but its not coming off at all. Any advice is greatly appreciated. See image.


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That is coraline algae. It is not bad, it is the same thing that makes our live rock yurn that purple color we all want. It grows hard, so you will need to get a good razor blade scraper to get it off.
yup yup. Coraline algae. Do you have a glass or acrylic tank? Don't do razorblade cleaning if it's an acrylic. I'd say,check out the mag float or piranha float cleaners. They are awesome. Especially the piranha one, it's super strong and you just drag the magnet across the glass and bye bye purple stuff.I use it on my glass tank and love it.
Just an update. I finally got off my lazy butt and cleaned the tank with one of those scrapers from a local fish store (acronym is LFS I think). Its the best $14 I've spent so far! My inlaws were coming for Superbowl party and I didn't want them to say I was lazy...although it was not too far from the truth, I didn't want to give them the satisfaction of being correct. hahaha :)

It looks so pretty now and I bought a Koralia Circulation and Wave Pump with a flow rate of 425 gph. The pursing xenia seems to love it but my kenya tree is a bit shy and won't open up.