Blue Hippo Tang


Reefing newb
My tang has been starting to get dark blue spots on both sides of him. He keeps rubbing against the rocks like he is scratching at it. I don't have a clue what it is if anyone has any ideas. I'm all ears!


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Can you post more details? Like, how long have you had him, tank parameters, etc. He also might be happier in a bigger tank.

No white spots? If he's itching on the rocks, it's never a normal behavior. Hippos are extremely prone to ich. He may have it even if you don't see the spots.
He looks to be a very small tang from the size of the shell next to him so honestly I doubt he needs more swimming room RIGHT NOW then he already has....

Blue Hippos are very prone to Ich however those would be white spots showing up not dark blue. Does he constantly have the dark blue spots or does it come and go? The reason I ask is because when they sleep they will actually turn very pale, and then dark blue again when they wake back up.

On the note of him being on the small side....they have a poor survival rate. Not impossible or daunting, however it is poor. If I were you I would be sure to have algae sheets available at all times for him and make sure that they have either been dipped in garlic or have garlic in them. That will help with his feeding needs and with fighting off the Ich as well. Good luck with him! Post more pictures!!!
The dark blue spots are always there. Yeah he's a smaller one probably about 2 1/2 inches or just above. and i haven't tried the garlic yet i will have to try that out for sure!
There are a lot of different types of algae sheets, I would suggest getting one that has garlic already in it. I wouldnt worry to much about it, if he is happy and swimming around then I am sure he is perfectly fine :) With enough food for him he will grow up beautifully. That 100 gal is plenty of room for a tang of that size IMHO, however others may come along and disagree with me that long term, a blue hippo in a tank that size is not good.
Disagree. Hippos need much more room than 100 gallons. I wouldn't even put a tiny one in anything less than 8 feet.
The fact your tang is showing size of disease supports the fact his tank is too small. Stressed fish get sick, and the most common cause of stress is a tank that is too small.

We dont come up with this stuff just for fun, it comes from years of observing in what environments these fish do best in.
Well is it necessarily showing signs of an illness?? White spots indicate Ich however dark blue spots would indicate.....I am not sure. Breeders do not keep these babies in 100 plus gal tanks, and there are people who keep them in smaller tanks, while they are small, and they dont get sick....
no one breeds blue tangs, and flashing against the rocks is a sign of trouble
No I agree, flashing is a precursor to Ich, however I was just wondering.
Also breeders, not breeders, wherever people get them, they are not all in 200 gal tanks...Like I said I have personally seen them do fine in smaller tanks as babies
Actually flashing is a precursor to a number of different disease, the most common of which is ich.

And most fish will die in collection, due the high levels of stress, they are then shipped to the lfs where more fish will die in shipping, and then a few will always die in the store. But more blue tangs will be bought within a week, thanks to finding nemo, where they will be crammed into tiny little tanks by greedy, selfish people who are so desperate to own this fish they will totally disregard the proper care of this fish. These blue tangs that could easily live 10-15 years will instead only live a couple of years because of the increased level of stress. Being stressed in bad for your body! I see this in people all the time, little dogs etc. Constant levels of stress will negatively effect your body! And the whole time these people are going be "WELL i showed them, my fish lived fine for two whole years in my tank!!!"
There are a lot of different types of algae sheets, I would suggest getting one that has garlic already in it. I wouldnt worry to much about it, if he is happy and swimming around then I am sure he is perfectly fine :) With enough food for him he will grow up beautifully. That 100 gal is plenty of room for a tang of that size IMHO, however others may come along and disagree with me that long term, a blue hippo in a tank that size is not good.

Algae dont work for me but i have a 60 G tank and my hippo have live there for 2 years