What is on this fish


Reefing newb
I just recieved a fowleri tang from LA yesterday. he hit my tank very stressed, with a dark purple coloration to him and had what appeared to be a white fungus on his side. Today he has a more normal color and the spots are dark. Does anyone know what this is, and what is the best recomended method for treatment without damaging my corals?


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Im not quite sure what that is, but usually your best bet is to not treat if they are eating and acting normal. There arent any proven reef safe treatments and sometimes removing the fish for treatment is more stressful than the treatment itself
he hasn't eaten any algea,sheet, or pecked at any rock yet, I did just feed some frozen food to my other fish and coral, and he seemed to snatch that right up. I hope I am not overly concerned. I just want the best for this fish. I hope to have him for years to come, and he arrived pretty funky lookin.
Three days now, and not getting better. I'm really starting to freak out now. The fish is not flashing or scratching on rocks, just sitting calmly in the front corner of the tank (lower current there) he now has some white on his eye and more on his fins. His eye is not bulging though and like i said it doesn't seem to make him itch.
WHAT THE F***!!!!
yes, sort of. He will eat some of the larger pieces of Rod's that drift by him, but not eating algea clip or pecking at rocks.
If can take them time babying him when you feed, that is what i would do. It sounds like he isnt doing too hot, but if you can keep him eating his chances are better than they would be otherwise
I have a flamenji tang about that size thatgot ich and the side effect was a bacteria infection that looked very similar to what you are showing. I tried a product called Rally which is reef safe and it worked for me. It does turn the water to a greenish tint. None of my shrimp, snail, searpeant starfish, or cucumbers were affected. Good luck and definately keep him eating.
Day seven now, and i see deffinate improvement. He has found a great hiding spot were he spends most of his time, but now instead of feeding with a baster, when i feed the rest of the tank he comes out, swims around and eats. his eye and fins have already cleared up, and his sides now look alot like bad scars from being mishandled at sea. hopefully he continues to improve. One concern I have is that he is not pecking rocks or eating any algae from the clip. Only wants to eat meat. Am I missing something here?
Yay! Im glad he is improving!!! Good job!

And have you tried putting the algae on a more natural surface, like a rubber banding it to a rock?
almost two weeks now, and AL (short for Al Paccino (Scarface)) is doing much better. He is out swimming more often, and looks alot better. He still has scars all over him and is missing some scales in a few places, but he now is eager to eat whenever I feed. I am mixing brine shrimp and garlic with algea pellets and some chopped red algea, and he gobbles it up. hopefully in a couple weeks he will look even better yet.


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