????? What is this???


Certified Hospice Nurse
Is this just some massive coralline growth? Or have I deluded myself and actually witnessing some sort of disaster. Originally I thought it was 'pretty'--now kind of irritated and fearing it is gonna 'gum up' my skimmer and everything else....any thoughts?

P.S. Just learning the new camera.....:^:


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it is coraline growth which is a good thing. the more coraline the less nuisance algae.
It will cover everything over time and will need scraping from glass where you dont want it.. I used it for a background on my tank, rest I scrape off.. It may foul your powerheads over time but if it does soak it in a diluted vinegar solution then just clean it off..:D
Coralline gone wild...you can either use a razor blade or old credit card to remove it. If it starts to overwhelm your pumps and other equipment, a vinegar and waste solution soak will loosen it up nicely. Nothing really disastrous thou.
Whew--thanks! :bowdown: This tank has been going for about a year now. Had the original "tank disaster" after moving it. Shut the whole thing down, started over. Got the RO filter installed....ditched the canister filter and placed a fine skimmer.... and then BAM--Life happened. Had so much sickness, death in the family. Newly adopted grandbaby ..etc. The 'poor' tank was just ignored. We occasionally did a water change and added one fish...he died.
A friend had some tank "issues" and we adopted a clown and damsel with the understanding we had no idea if the tank was stable enough. Lo and behold they not only survived, they thrived for over 6 months (until the clown just disappeared 4 days ago)...damsel still happily swimming around.....
Was on the verge of just taking it down and selling it off in pieces....but I just love the rocks and life in there.
I am encouraged to know this is coralline--sign of something "right" .

Thanks again...I have a bit of scraping to do......might get me a fish this weekend!:bounce:

P.S. Just did a chemistry check...everything is good except the amonia is faintly showing..less than 0.25--but not really "0"........maybe I will just scrape and look for a fishy later....
coraline is a good sign of things going in the right direction .. :D
which is why as is mentioned here alot that you should wait at least a year as the tank matures for nems and things like that..
they are of the same family so between those two you may not know.. but the damsel will get worse as they get older and new fish are brought in..
Is this just some massive coralline growth? Or have I deluded myself and actually witnessing some sort of disaster. Originally I thought it was 'pretty'--now kind of irritated and fearing it is gonna 'gum up' my skimmer and everything else....any thoughts?

P.S. Just learning the new camera.....:^:

It coraline
it is true what they say in concerns of coralline , people who want it cant get it, people who have it dont want it lol
it is true what they say in concerns of coralline , people who want it cant get it, people who have it dont want it lol

Oh--i really do want it....just considering our crappy bad luck/lack of experience combined with pure neglect of the tank I felt sure it could not possibly be anything 'good'....:D