Montipora / Acropora under T5?


Reefing newb
I've done some research on these but wanted to ask the forum....I currently have 4x 24w T5 HO 50/50 lights, so basically I am curious if these will work and / or tips on these corals. I'm planning on placement to be on the upper half of the tank.

Can anyone provide suggestions on montipora / acropora types under these conditions? Thanks.
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Whats the size of your tank?That size would be good for maybe a 20-30g reef....depending on the fixture....i have 2x24 nova extreme over my 20g mantis tank and grow zoa's and softies....for same size tank to grow sps would need your size fixture but be like mine individual reflectors and good lights IMO....yes sps would have to be place high in those condions but some monti's dont need excessive light! My jedi mind tricks does well in the shade.
+1 would have to place those corals high in the tank to receive the most lighting, and sometimes monti's do better in shaded areas.
Thanks for the tips, since there is so much variety are there any specific montipora / acropora that do better than others considering my lights?
they have deepwater acros that may do well in your lighting. I had some in my tank when I had t5's and they survived but did not thrive. I have since upgraded to MH and they took off.

But I am a bit confused, 50/50 lights are power compacts and t5s dont come in 50/50s. though they do come in many colors.

If they are T5s with individual reflectors then think your lights will be fine for acros if they are placed within the top 8 inches or so of the tank.

But more importantly you need to be able to keep alk, calcium and mag in check at all times because without them in balance the sps you are trying to grow will not do well. They will decay fast if your water isnt kept in good numbers.
Bought some montis today! Red Cap monti and Purple monti...they were "50% off" so I couldn't resist. Hope they do well...

Brian, by 50/50 I'm referring to 2 bulbs are actinic and 2 bulbs are white. Perhaps not the right term.


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Dana I just looked at his Cr1ck37's blogspot page and he has an aquaticlife fixture, with the original aquaticlife bulbs in it. And it is over the 29 gallon tank.

Just IMO, you definitely want to keep the montis up higher in the tank to be sure they are getting enough light. Also I would suggest getting new bulbs? As far as I know most stock bulbs are not usually very good. So if you want to bulbs I would recommend contacting ReefGeek > Aquarium Supplies for Marine, Reef, and Saltwater Aquariums and asking them which bulbs they would recommend for your tank, and also you could tell them about the color temperature you would like to have (if you dont like the current look), and they should be able to tell you.

just my :twocents:
Thanks for the advice slm, the montis are currently placed on the top portion of my tank. Hopefully tall enough as my rock work only goes about halfway in my tank.

But ya also the lights, I've looked into them and got advice on bulbs. I just haven't made the jump in purchasing them. Plan on doing so soon though!