Sick Fish


Reefing newb
Hello Everyone,

I need help ASAP. my fish are dying and no one can tell me what it is for sure. so far i lost my unicorn tang, my naso tanf and my powder brown tang. ive been treating my fish for ick but i dont think its ick.

So if anyone know what it is and how to save my fish and fix my tank PLEASE let me know ASAP. my clown fish and orange spotted rabbit are the only ones left.


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Welcome to the site, John, even under the circumstances..... OMG that's so sad!'

We will need all your water parameters (including temp), tank history (like, how long you've had it up, when did you add your fish, and how many at a time). Did you treat them in qt? How did you treat it? The more details the more we can all help you. So sorry to see a beautiful tang that way :(
Photos of a sick fish will help, but as Wonton said, we really need more inforation about your setup before we can really help. What I can say is that does not look like ich at all. It almost looks like some sort of fungal infection to me
My tank has been set up here at my house for 2 almost 3 months. my friend gave me the tank with out fish but with the substrate and live rock she had it for 3 yrs. i stocked my tank and i did not do a qt (lesson learned) my rabbit fish is my only living fish now.

last week i got my naso from a wholesaler. he was my newest addition and before him my tank was doing great. my ph has been low but is stable now

my temp is 80 in the am and 82 pm
all my tests are at 0 and my ph is 8.0

what else do you need
What we're looking for is


How long have the fish been sick? Did this start after something was added to the tank? (a new fish or piece of coral for example?) Tank size/ filtration and other inhabitants

I dont think that mixing those medications at the same time would generally be considered a good idea. You're potentially making them less effective, and if some of those are not helping the situation, you're throwing all kinds of crap into the DT that doesnt need to be there. Do you have a DT where the fish can properly be treated?

I still think it looks like some sort fungus, but I'm not sure. Fairly confident that it isnt ich though.

You might want to also try submitting those photos to the folks at Wet Web Media for a diagnosis. But they will also likely request some of the same information we've already requested

Note to the mods, someone should really write up a sticky for what information to include in posts like this
Thats the only thing i think of when i see those pictures.
HLLE. Means Head and Lateral Line Erosion disease.
Are you running carbon, got any stray voltage? What are you feeding the little fella?
Fins which are frayed or have white edges and cloudy eyes or Popeye are usually initially caused by an ammonia "burn". A fish' eyes, fins and gills are very sensitive to excess ammonia. The ammonia "burns" the surface of the fins, eyes and gills, leaving them open to bacterial infections. Fortunately, these symptoms are easy to treat and, if caught early enough or if the damage isn't excessive, excellent water conditions in the tank and prompt treatment will quickly cure an otherwise healthy fish. Bout the only thing I can come up going by the pictures.
Abnormal behavior, unusual movement, Fish color, appearance of tiny white spots is the general symptoms of a sick fish. The problem is this, that tank owner started to observe or take action when the disease reaches at final position. If you see these conditions you have to take immediate decision.
well i can tell you one thing,to many fish to soon,most likely amonia burn,thoes are big fish you added so the system probly started another cycle