my poor zoas


Reefing newb
whats wrong with them! with in the last few days they just look mushy almost :( i checked all my water and everything is perfect, same with my green star polyups, they're all closed and havent opened in a few days


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They look ok to me too. When you say your water is fine, what does that mean? Has anything in your tank changed lately flow, temp, lighting, moved them, etc.
I think that they look fine. They have most probably just opened up more leaving no holes between each polyp filling the frag fully. Dont sweat it.
maybe u can see more detail in person than we can see in the high are they in the reef? could the light be effecting them? like Brian said, have u changed anything? Ive had zoa's morph on me from putting them to close to the light and seen some to us so we can help! =D
well when i say my water is fine, there ammonia-0
nitrites-0 nitrates-0 temp-78 sal-1.022 and my lights are brandnew (less then 3 mnths old)
i have red zoas that look wayyy better then the orange ones, i havent added anything to the tank, and nothing has died i do my regular water changes and i had them high up on the rocks, but i moved them lower to the bottom, and they seem to be a little less mushy looking
Your SG seems a little on the low side but that's jus me...and all zoa's do better at diff levels in the tank. You just have to find the right spot as with all corals. Good to hear there not so "mushy" anymore. What kind of lighting do you have and what bulbs are u using?