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LFS said both of these were ok with the little light that I have on my 55 gallon tank. I put them in last night, how long does it take for them to pop back out back to normal?


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Crap I kinda forgot what it was. Some sort of star polyp or something like that. Those pores had stuff coming out of them till he pulled it apart.
Yes that is them. They are suppose to be able to grow in just about any light is what LFS said. I was just kinda hoping they would have popped back out by now. I was reading were some stuff isn't suppose to ever touch the air. I'm realy hoping thats not the case for them.......
No, green star polyps are fine to touch the air for short periods -- don't worry! It can take a couple days for corals to open up once they've been disturbed. I'm sure they will be fine!
I also failed to mention that I bought a big chunk of LR that had a couple of small feather dusters in it and some other polyups. They also gave me 2 big feather dusters.
Quick question tho. The LFS has mostly bare bottom tanks and they were just laying on the bottom. Mine has sand, do I just lay it on top of the sand or bury it or put it on some of my rocks?
They are actually a little more closed up today than they have been. My nitrates are actually a little higher than they have been. There in the 10ppm range tho. Is there something else I should be testing for also?>
The basics that you should be testing for are:


calcium if you have LPS or SPS corals. Temperature and salinity too.
Here are some updated pictures......


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