sucking up my calcium


love my reef
my calcium level is dropping out?
Feb 15th 440
march 3rd 440
april 28 400
may 4th 360
may 9th 320
been doin weekly 5 gal water changes and on may 4th I stared to add liquid calcium any other ideas? do you think the salt mix is old? Im due for another bucket maybe I should just get a new one
Are you getting down to the bottom of your salt bucket? Often times the salt is somewhat layer and needs to be mixed back up again. When you get a new bucket, just roll it around on the floor for a bit to try and get it all mixed up.
I had been doing a 15 gal water change 1 time a month and then read that if a person did a 5 gal change 1 time a week that it would be more beneficial because it was not such a shock to the tank? so thats why I have been doing only 5 gal at a time
pics of my tank


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How is your pH? Too high and it will precipitate faster, and the corals will use it faster.

KH usually should be around 7-8, so not sure where that number came from. Maybe PPM? If so, your alkalinity is good.

You probably need to dose magnesium, like others have mentioned above. Magnesium helps to block calcium from binding with the bicarbonate + leading to a precipitation event. So, as your mag drops, your calcium will leech out (do you have any indications of precipitation like pumps covered in a white coating?) and precipitate.
Your tank is old enough that it probably has lots of coralline which will suck calcium (and alk) out of the water very fast. There is really nothing abnormal about your tank's comsumption of calcium. You need to start thinking about a kalkwasser drip.

I max my change out water with calcium and a bit of mag and then do a 50% change out every 4 to 6 weeks. I match the temp and salnity precisely to avooid shock. I never have to dose calcium. But then a 50% change on a 29 is easy.
I switched from Instant Ocean to Oceanic brand salt over a year ago and noticed immediately that my calcium levels stayed quite high after that. It typically runs 540 - 560.
Using Oceanic salt and getting a calcium reading of 320 tells me your test kit is bad. The corals in your tank would never use up that much calcium. Is there any hard calcium carbonate precipitant stuck to your heater or pump impellers?
Using Oceanic salt and getting a calcium reading of 320 tells me your test kit is bad. The corals in your tank would never use up that much calcium. Is there any hard calcium carbonate precipitant stuck to your heater or pump impellers?

ccCapt: I'm not the original poster of this thread. I just posted about Oceanic to offer her another option. I don't think she mentioned which brand she was using.
I'm using Coralife right now and I have the opposite problem, my Calcium is too high. My magnesium is a little low though, I just ordered two part from BRS to address the issue

To the OP, you may see a change after swtiching salts, hopefully for the better, but I would also test your magnesium levels as already stated