Amount of live rock


Reefing newb
Dear All,

I have a couple of questions. I have a biocube 29 and I am wondering how much live rock should I put in the tank (in terms of pounds). Also since I am setting up a reef tank, should I remove the carbon that's present in the filter cartridge? I heard that the carbon could remove some good nutrients too...

Please advice...

you should shoot for 1.5 to 2 pounds per gallon.. I would remove the carbon,, it is good for use for short periods, but I wouldnt leave it in there, the liverock is all you will need for filtration in your size tank.. a skimmer wouldn't hurt but as long as you do regular water changes is not really something you will need...:D
you should shoot for 1.5 to 2 pounds per gallon.. I would remove the carbon,, it is good for use for short periods, but I wouldnt leave it in there, the liverock is all you will need for filtration in your size tank.. a skimmer wouldn't hurt but as long as you do regular water changes is not really something you will need...:D

Thank you very much!
+1 marcah
1 to 2 pounds, depending on the density. I used Florida LR, very dense! I put over 50 lbs in my 28g nanocube, with 20 lbs sand. Other lighter rock, you could get by with much less. Good luck!
My Florida rock I swear has some small pieces that weigh more than the extremely large pieces. then some large pieces feel like a ton. So I think it's hard to judge by pound per gallon. Yeah - depending on the rock. What I do is get some rock, if not enough go back - get some more. I always get enough for the bio load and then save space for all those little pieces that you want when you see must have pieces out and about. Yeah maybe the pound per gallin will give you what you need for the biological mass, and then add all your goodies as time goes by. I worry about my Florida rock because it literally falls apart and is quite sandy if hit hard. I think there ust be different types of florida stuff. I was told its calcified limestone. I broke a large piece and found a lot of shells and sea life fossils. Hoping its okay. Wonder if its partially why my dkh went from 14 to 9, ph is stable at 8.2 now. Now I'm Jibbering. Good Luck


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