Calcium Reactor Tweakin and my Brain Coral


Reefing newb
My corals seem to enjoy 8.2 to and DKH of about 12. I seemed to always reach 14 DKH every time I ran my reactor. Reactor center value was at 6.50. That means it would kick in CO2 at 6.70 and burn down to ph of 6.30. That was suggested by the manufacturer of my ph monitor. So melting of aragonite was somewhat constant. My brain hated the high DKH. Upon looking at the comments on DKH, I tried to raise my center value to 6.70. That means that the burn of CO2 would bottom out at 6.50. This meant that the calcium released would be somewhat restricted or atleast slowed. My 14 of DKH now stands at about 10 - 11. My calcium seems to have leveled from 460 down to 420. My Ph is at 8.2. The brain I have totally recovered and is gigantic again and feeding at night with the tenticles very long and active. I did put the brain in a lower flow area in the tank. I am wondering if it is the lowering of the dkh that has this brain recovering - or if it is the flow rate. I increased the flow by adding 2 aqueon circulation pumps, but moved the brain to a low flow area. Perhaps the combination of both ? Does anyone know if these parameters are ideal - or how to tweak the reactor to get a better constant steady - more stable equalibrium. I admit - I did not think that the reactor would change DKH??? I thought it only pertained to the input of calcium. Unless somethings happening I do not know of?


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calcium, alkalinity and pH are all tied together, so by lowering your calc you also lowered your alk levels.

And brains are very sensitive to alk levels, and i think by lowering it you made it happy again.
I check mag weekly and last check was 1200. It took me a week to raise it. I just recently started doing that with all of the articles and talk here about maintaining it at 3 times the calcium amount. So with 300 Gallons, my usual weekly water change is at 15 gallons. Wonder if I should do 25. . . but I am thinking of letting the reactor level out. I use RO-DI so Im not adding DKH, always reads -0- out of the RO-DI reservoir. But you have raised an issue. When my alk was wayyyyyy outta-wak was when I didn't test and was at 900 initially before I started to dose. I wonder if that isn't a factor here because this brain is very happy. I could kick my self though because I am guilty of putting the brain upon purchase in the area where it looked good to my "eye" rather than where the coral would do best. I had it in the substrate and one corner sunk in the stand an inch. It was doing well and I decided to move that corner out , looked like it sunk in the sane a bit. 1 inch was completely dead. Doesn't seem to be affecting the coral. And as far as growing back - it must take a long time - if it ever will? On another note, wondering if DKH has something linked with the rate of the addition of CO2. What I notice is if I let the CO2 go like a madman but safe in the bubble chamber, the burn is more accurate and doesn't get stuck on. I changed my reactors bottom to acrylic and siliconed a moonlight facing up the center tube. When the reactor goes on (CO2), it lights up like a light-saber in the center. I see it on - off - on etc. So its running good, but the CO2 is quite fast compared to how slow I had it burning before. Just another factor - don't know if it's helping or not. I admit - tweaking this reactor seems to be a part of the hobby in itself that takes some hit - and miss.
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I really don't know much about reactors, although I almost bought one for my tank. I do know that Mag Ca Alk and PH are all connected. In my tank I had to dose 80ml a day to keep my Alk and Ca up. And 50ml a week of Mag to keep my 55g at 10dkh 420Ca and Mag 1350. PH 8.4
You should look a they have some great Vids on solutions for dosing and on reactors.
Your brain will grow back over the old skeleton at least mine did.