New frogfish

Dang, she is sweet. I'd love to have one of those in my 24.
Yes, she's really neat to watch. She own's this tank though. Nothing else will go in ( at least if it fits in her mouth).:D She keeps sizing up my hermit crab, but can't seem to figure it out. She sits behind him trying to decide if he will fit. But then moves on. He walks all over her though. So, I think he's pretty safe.

He is awesome,and will change all sorts of colors and shades to blend into the surroundings !!
Hopefully you can get it eating frozen soon...I was lucky,mine ate frozen table shrimp and scallops right away....try a couple damsels too...mine ate 3 of those so far..i actually have an angler ,but like you said ,,they are in the same family
good luck
I notice. Her spots were white, now I think they are turning more green.

well,you did it, you have bought the ugliest thing you can put in yer tank, congrats..jk, how much was it if you don't mind me asking??
Yeah, a face only a mom could love and I do. LOL. The lfs was asking $99 for her and we were able to get out of there for $80. I looked online, that seems to be the starting price for these guys.
I went to one of my new LFS and they just got one in. Its red with green spots $99.99. Its billed as a very rare angler?
Yes, she was priced $99. She is supposed to be a fancy frog fish. Not sure the difference.
That is such a wicked fish!! Stuck your finger in there yet?? ;) :lol:
Yes, and when she's in a curious mood. She tends to be in the way. Walk right up and watch what i'm doing. Hasn't gone after me (so far, lol)

They change color depending on their surroundings, so dont buy it based off of color. But i think that is a pretty fair price for one.
Yes, she was more red when we bought her. But now she has much more orange to her. Her spots are more visible and the white spots are more green.


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Alright, so here is a video of her in action. :sfish:
[ame=""]YouTube - Our Orange Frogfish 2011[/ame]
That's awesome video..They remind me of English Bulldogs.
Yes, I guess so. Maybe that's the attraction. lol
Awesome,looks like you got a winner.....
Get her eating frozen yet?
No not yet. Still plays dead. But trying to stick to the same feeding time every day (hoping to maybe fool her into a bite if we drop it in at feeding time). She's stuborn, but Guess she fits right into this group. lol

Awesome vid! She looks like she is playing with her food sometimes lol
Yes, she's a very patient hunter though. But, once in a while she will give chase.
It's funny, she's faster than she looks. Most of the time they don't see it coming. Of course who expects a sponge/rock/??? to have a mouth and swallow you whole. Poor shrimp.
I have an idea for you.

Start spearing the ghost shrimp right before you feed her, they will still twitch and stuff so it will help get her used to the spear and remember to put the frozen food in there when you feed the ghost shrimp so she associates flavor/smell with food.