Magnesium! ! ! Kent od DIY


Reefing newb
I recently started getting higher dkh, in the 14 area that has me doing everything possible to lower. I see some that try to get this range, then when I think I am okay there others say no , you want 9 0r 10? Anyway , my brain coral (maze) doesn't seem to like it. . . or is it the negative reaction from lack of magnesium? I have read articles on magnesium, and if levels are low - its ability to affect the dkh - alkalinity. But. . . higher or lower? So I tested and my manesium was around a thousand ppm. In the articles all points to a value 3 times that of calcium to be the target point. Does anyone know if addition of magnesium will bring down the dkh? I am dosing Kent now , and again my reading literature tells me no more than 100ppm dose daily. So I am running IV and brining the level up with a slow drip through each night. Any help is greatly appreciated. I was going to go with the epson salt receipe - however I was reading that the result would be sulfate introduction as well. So I don't really want to mess with a method that could alter my water chemistry too much. I was also thinking of running 90% aragonite ARM or Reborn (using ARM now in Calcium Reactor), and 10% magnesium suppliment. Someone take me to school here. Thanks peoples!


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I wouldn't dose calcium or buffer daily unless you are testing for it, and finding you are needing to dose daily. Calcium at 460 is more than sufficient, so anything you are adding on top of that could be raising your levels needlessly. Magnesium should be around 1300. Your pH is a bit high too, which leads me to believe that you may be dosing too much.
Getting ready to start the addition of the 151 G waterfall reef and I guess thats going to be addint to my system a giant water change, so I imagine that I will have to let that settle and start the testing again. I always see that high DKH though. Tested my RO-DI and the alk doesn't even register, so it is good water.
Yeah, adding a lot more water volume will dilute your parameters out, which is a good thing. Once you get all the new water mixed in, I'd retest it and see where you are at.
I don't dose calcium, my reactor does. I dose strontium & Moly, Iodide, and the magnesium. Thats all. So perhaps my reactor is running rich? I could raise the center value for a lower burn?
My calcium reactor was down a while and I didn't see that high dkh reading. Yeah - I can't wait to get this system running for that reason too, the intro of water to level this out. My brain is upset - and closed a lot. I think hes stunned a bit - but as you know, they are unforgiving in most cases


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I'll dial it down. I have center value at 6.60, high is 6.80, and low is 6.40. I will change that to the center being at 6.90, that way it bottoms at 6.50 and doesn't do a long burn. I believe 6.5 melts aragonite, so the higher I put it the less calcium. Correct. . .? Second guessing my self again
Yep, high alk can be tough on some corals. Brains and lobos are very sensitive in my experience, as are SPS corals. I had a kalk overdose about a year ago. All my brain corals were killed, and they pretty much died immediately.
Well here is what I believe. I shut reactor down and already my alk/dkh dropped to 11. Was 14. Still dropping. My Ph dropped a hair to 8.2. My Calcium seems to be at 460ppm yet? Well, I was going to kick the waterfall tanks on and start the mainline draw and return, but I really wanted to make sure the water was nice and prime. It is full and running. I put a powerhead on the small tank and ran a hose to the top tank. It's waterfallin now. However I think I should be patient and check every parameter and temp exact before I kick on. Tank is 1.025 in the main. Waterfall is 1.022. I am going to slowly get the waterfalls to 1.025, temp at 78 to match tank, then open it up. I think the key here is to notate the ph, dkh, cal levels, adjust the magnesium level. "Raise the center value on my reactor so theres not as long a burn time, just "touching" the ph of perhaps 6.6 as the bottom. That way I can slowly raise it as needed. I have come to the conclusion that every reef must be different. The store tells me that it should be set at 6.5 for center.... I disagree. I believe that's "textbook" - however - thats proven to hit my system too hard too quick. The brain is coming back very slowly. Just started to expand yesterday. With the new approach instead of being impatient - I think the adjustments and slower approach will be interesting as I test during the next month.