overflow noise


Reef enthusiast
Just my two cents ( for whatever it is worth )

Most of us have dealt with excess noise from our overflow and I have read and tried different things to stop it ( or at least quiet it down).. Try this it is quick and I have been using it for several months now and it works very well... Just take a piece of airline tubing about 12 inches long and zip tie it to a lighting cord or whatever you can.
Put something in the end for a little weight ,making sure air can get through it, and then put it in the drain line in the overflow.. you will have to play with it a little to get the right depth but when you do you will see the overflow quiet down immediately..

Good luck and hope it will work for you ..

Marc :mrgreen:
hope this helps.. sorry for the delay just got home nem snuck in for a pic :shock:


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I forgot to ask what kind of noise this is to fix. I have noise from water splashing around. But i think this seems to be for the flushing noise.
it is for the flushing sound from the swirl of the siphon.. noise going down the piping is a topic for another day ..lol
So basically it breaks that pocket that causes the gurgling sound?

I had the same problem in my 125g...just built a simple durso. I still have the splashing sound, though. I tried to break that by putting a plastic mesh thing but it didn't work very well. I've gotten used to the waterfall sound :)