New frogfish


Reefing newb
So, we've made a few changes. To my biocube we have added an orange frogfish and our 25g octagon tank is now a 75g (but that's another thread :D). She's doing well, i've researched food for her and there seems like a lot of different idea's on these guys. She's been with us about a week. Eating live ghost shrimp right now. Tried some frozen food and well she played dead (it was really funny). I know a variety of foods are better and would love some advice on teaching them to eat frozen and what types of food have been successful. I now have a small tank for shrimp. So, she's covered till she aquires a taste for something else. She's eating on average 2 a day, and would eat more if I put more with her. Not sure do we feed till full or put a limit on it.She loves her ghost shrimp. Thanks, i'm attaching some pics of our new addition :mrgreen:.


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COOL! Are they the same thing as anglers?

What i've read the same family.


STOP! Hammer Time!
:rofl:OMG..That is too funny!!:rofl:

I think i'll have to post some more photo's to see what else you can come up with on captions :mrgreen:

She is really interesting to watch. She loves to hunt her shrimp and not a bit afraid of me. I move things around in the tank she walks right on up and checks out what I'm doing, but put a piece of frozen food in there, she rolls up like a ball and dies (I think I picked the one with an attitude). I think it's going to take some work to grace her tank with frozen food. LOL.
I think she's more orange now in my tank, than in the pics.
Try putting in a pieces of frozen at the same time you put in some live, that way she associates that smell with food and then when she stops the curl up and die, try putting it on a stick and wiggling it (act like prey)
Try putting in a pieces of frozen at the same time you put in some live, that way she associates that smell with food and then when she stops the curl up and die, try putting it on a stick and wiggling it (act like prey)
Got it. I will definetally give it a try. I knew it would be a longer process to get her to eat, But the rolling up and die. Didn't see that one coming. The frozen barelly hit the water and she was rolling down the live rock as a ball. Thanks for the tip. I'll see how it works.

Does anyone know how long she can go on the shrimp befor we have issues (i heard they lack vitamins). She seems healthy enough. But don't want to jepordize that. Will she be ok if this is her main diet for a month or two. Thanks again everyone :sfish:
He is awesome,and will change all sorts of colors and shades to blend into the surroundings !!
Hopefully you can get it eating frozen soon...I was lucky,mine ate frozen table shrimp and scallops right away....try a couple damsels too...mine ate 3 of those so far..i actually have an angler ,but like you said ,,they are in the same family
good luck