Red Hair Algae?


aspiring reefer
im not sure what this is? it also produces red clumps on the sand. no bubbles have come from it yet. what is it? what should i do about it?
i use 1G jugs of purified water, & the light was new in January...


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Creben DUUUDE where ya been?

I wouldnt use an additive I think its part of having a new tank.

When was the last time you gave your filter a good scrubbing? Maybe its time to do that. Good cleaning top to bottom make sure you dont have any goop sitting around making nitrates. Have you tested for nitrates??

I have a diamond watchman goby who really keeps my sand bed stirred up so I dont have anything settle.
I agree, its cyano. Are you using tap water? Im kinda confused by the 1 gal jug of distilled. Also what is your stocking like and how much/what are you feeding?
is it just purified water or distilled water. most purified water is just tap water ran through a carbon filter. check the jug to see if it says prepared by reverse osmosis
ok well its wal-mart brand i think its prepared by just filtering tap water..
i change the filter media every 2-3 weeks, im about to just not have any media there and use it for circulation, because of my 40lbs of live sand & live rock.
i dont have any trates in the tank, or ammonia. it just looks bad.
little fish, i have 1 clown and 1 chromis as well as a CUC and 2 clams. i feed about 1/4 of a frozen shrimp cube per day and put in phyto every couple days.
amber i have been busy! trying to get through college. i was looking at a goby to do that but i was told they get too big? i have 2 fish in my 20L.
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Yeah I dont think I would put anything from walmart in my tank LOL

Doenst 'nooga have any saltwater fish stores?? Geez

I dont see why you couldnt get a goby in your tank they dont get that big nor do they swim around. I think as long as you dont get something that is going to grow a foot or that likes to swim a lot you will be fine.

My goby doesn't swim at all he just moves sand around all day he is awesome.
well i just may pick one up soon then. did you glue your rocks together so they wouldn't topple? is that a big issue with gobies?

we have about 3, and only one is really noteworthy. yote works there! although ive never seen him.

oh, and yes i think wal-mart is a fail at everything i just didn't want to drive any further. now i know =]
my LFS told me the algae was 'red slime' so bought some chemicals to kill it today. i boiled the infected rocks, sucked up some, and put in the chemicals. when should i do a water change? the instructions didn't mention one but im assuming i should...
what should i be looking for, ammonia?
the rocks had no life on them other than bacteria, im drying them for a few days before i put them back in.
Phosphate .25
pH 8.0
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 2.5
Salinity 1.024
Temperature 80F

its day 1 of the blackout/medication. there is still some red slime in the sand and on the rocks, i hope i wasn't supposed to see it all gone by now..
fish, CUC, coral looks healthy.
Day 2:

Phosphate .25
pH 8.0
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 0
Salinity 1.024
Temperature 78F

i dosed the tank again, and still i see red alge on the sand! what should i do if there is no change? dose more?
You need to get those phosphates down. I would invest in a GFO reactor. Also, those red slime away stuffs can create a strain of the cyano in your tank that is resistant to that killer. You need to address what its feeding off of to get it to go away.
ok. the phosphate is holding strong at .25. should i switch my water i put in there? im using spring water from wal-mart but i feel like thats not the best.. i cut back the lighting to 8hrs a day (apart from this black out) and i feed 1/4th of a shrimp cube a day to 2 fish... any other ideas for the source?