Reef Octopus BH-2000 Questions


Reefing newb
I've had my new skimmer running for about 36 hours now, and have a few questions. Would really appreciate any advice/insights:

1. How deep should the water outlet be, and where should it be pointed? Right now it's only about 1/4 inch below the surface and pointed to the opposite end of the tank. It was pointed right at the back glass but it seemed to be splashing a bit. I had to raise my water level to get the outlet below the water. The water is just about an inch below the top now...that okay? I had been keeping the water about 4 inches from the top.

2. Should I use the silencer or the air valve? It's not that noisy at all and it seems like the valve should left be on for adjusting. Most pics I've seen online though show the silencer installed.

3. How worried should I be about overflows and leaks? I've read a lot of horror stories...thinking maybe I should place a tub under the skimmer. The tub would be concealed by the cabinet anyway.

4. How far up the neck do I want the bubbles? Right now I have the bubbles just touching the top of the neck. I've been raising the cup at night just to be safe since it's still very new. When I raise the cup, the bubbles are at the bottom of the neck.

5. Should I remove either of the two sponges? Read lots of different opinions on this.

6. I'm guessing the unpleasent odor coming out of the air hose is normal / good?

After some initial struggles getting it set up and running, it seams to be working very well. There's lot's of crud buildng up inside the neck and about a 1/2 inch of brown water in the cup.

There are some large bubbles at the tank's surface but no big deal. Very little noise, no leaks, etc. I know that's a lot of questions...thanks!
Figured I'd add a few pics


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I have the same skimmer and I love it!!. It does take some tweaking just keep your eye on it. I have had NO problems with overflow while I was gone or asleep. My coralife overflowed all the time. So for your questions:
1. My water outflow is right below the surface. There is no way to adjust, I just keep my water level up to keep the noise down.
2. My air hose has the adjustment valve on it. Every time I clean the tank and turn the skimmer back on it needs some adjustment.
3. leaks, have not been a problem
4. My tank has bubbles for a few hours after I clean the tank and then they go away. When it was new it took a day or two to adjust and then the bubbles went away.
5. I have left both sponges in. The blue one I don't know if I could get out if I tried. I do clean the black air bubble trap sponge with every water change.
6. I can't help you with the smell, mine doesn't have one :(

Hope this helps!! You picked a good one!!
I have to watch it and adjust as needed. Right when I turn it on after a clean or water change I have it set higher. Then the next day I lower it. I try and keep just to where the bubbles are popping at the top of the intake and not constantly overflowing. If you set it too low your output will be very light colored and it will fill up quickly. If you set it too high your output will be dark and thick. It depends on your bioload.

Hope this helps :)