What in the world.....


Reefing newb
Ok i think this is diatoms but i don't know and i think it is getting out of hand. I dont know if i have made a huge mistake or not but every time i do a water change (once a week) I have been taking a tooth brush to my rock to rid it of algae. I do turn off all pumps and i siphon out as much as i can when brushing the rock.

I am getting these bubbles every where but the spot in the photo is the worst and it is also the closet to the lighting in my tank. I have the lights on for 12 hours a day and 2 of those hours are just the 2 blue bulbs.

This has always been a problem for me but ever since i got my new light it has exploded which was a week and a half ago.

i do also have another form of algae i am getting but you can see it in the picture due to i brush it all off. It's a brown seems kind of slimy and hair like. Would that be still diatoms as well or something worse?

I do use R/O (not RODI) water from a local food store when i do my water changes. They also have a chart that says when the system was last checked and they seem to do it about every 2 weeks. I do plan on getting my own system once uncle sam gets me my money back.

Keep in mind i did my last water change saturday night and it is now worse then ever before.

So heres my questions what do i need to do to get rid of this problem? what in the world in causing it? and what is it?

Also will this kill coral?


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when you do a water change pull those rocks out and scrub and rinse them in the water you are going to discard not in the tank.scrub in one bucket then rinse in another
Those bubbles are signs of an algae bloom. The places where the bubbles are, you'll see algae growth in those spots before long. Have you tested your water at all, what are the results? It doesn't do you much good to pull the rocks out and scrub them if you're just going to put them back into nutrient rich waters.
ammonia: 0ppm
nitrite: 0ppm
nitrate: 0-5ppm
phosphate: .25ppm

i do believe the phosphate is what is causing this but is there something else i should be testing for as well?
Hello do you have macro growing in your fuge.If i don't trim mine every two weeks i will get algae blooms.what are you feeding and how often.you should also be testing mag.alk.and calcium.do you ever test tds in the water yourself.a good portable tds meter is only 25 to 30 dollars.and what did you get for a light i only use ATI t5s
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Mag, alk, and calcium only need to be tested when keep hard corals and they'll have no effect on an algae problem.