candy cane dividing


Reefing newb
I have a candy cane coral consisting of 3 heads. Have had about 2.5 years. One of the heads appears to be in the process of dividing and now looks like a " Siamese head" with two seperate mouths but a common body stalk. Since the two heads became seperate , they have had tissue regression and do not balloon up the way they used to. I read somewhere that when they divide, they may look shriveled for a time before they totally split in two.Has anyone else seen this. My only other confounder is a favia green frag that has been recently place in general vicinity ( 1.5 inches away and lower down) that may be burning the candy cane with its long sweepers at night
I just looked at my candy cane today because it's been shriveled up for the past few days. Today it inflated up again and I realized that all four heads on it split. I think it's normal for corals to not inflate for a week or so after they split.
Took you 2.5 year to grow them? they should split faster then that I belived..

I have no idea why it took so long for them to start dividing while my other corals have grown 5 fold since starting my tank. I think my tank is overcrowded and they have possibly been stunted by chemical warfare with other corals although they have always appeared happy, fully inflated with feeder tentacles fully extended at night. I am starting up a 14 gallon biocube with LED lighting soon and plan to do some moving of corals to unpack my JBJ.


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They usually extend at night however when I do feed my tank they usually come out quite promptly even with lights on and pickup some food. I do not specifically spot feed anything in my tank