Coral Eating Peppermint?


Big Daddy
Um, Tossed a hammer into my 3g pico today, the "peppermint" has been in there with a Kenya Tree and some Zoas for about a month or more. The peppermint immediately descended on the hammer and started ripping it to shreds, I chased him off and moved the hammer, and within 5 minutes it was back to finish the job...The peppermint is now awaiting trial in a bucket of water... pic provided, this IS a peppermint and not a camelback right?


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I can't tell from the picture... but the camel has a very pronounced hump. I think you'd be able to tell. Maybe the hammer had food stuck to it?
I don't think so, he got ran off by a pair of scissors and then I moved the Hammer, within 5 minutes he was back on the other head ripping it up.
I thought maybe it was a camelback, but it really looks like every other peppermint i've ever had, who knows..either way it is going to become bait if no one takes it locally.
my pepermint shrimp have ate frogspawns that i have put in the tank b4 but it leaves my outher corals alone
No, its my iphone, ive got the cheapo 3g....its not important anymore...his fate is sealed...eating my favorite coral is a no no...
Could you actually see damage that he was inflicting or did it just really look like he was eating it? My peppermints look real crazed sometimes going for food but they've never hurt anything. Sure it wasn't just grazing over the new addition to the tank to see if anything good was stuck in it?
So this is really weird. I was just going to post this same thread. I got to my office and looked at my tank. There was lots of bright green peices drifting throughout the tank. I thought WTF and there he was my Peppermint shrimp just eating the hell out of my frogspwan. He ate almost an entire head. I dont know how im going to catch him. They have been in there for months and they are both getting big! Is there a reef safe fish that will eat peppermint shrimp?
I think any fish that would eat a peppermint would also go after any of your other inverts. Plus there's no guarantee they would be able to catch them. Maybe try a trap?
get yourself a mantis shrim im sure he would take out your shrimp... and just about every outher thing in your tank :P
So this is really weird. I was just going to post this same thread. I got to my office and looked at my tank. There was lots of bright green peices drifting throughout the tank. I thought WTF and there he was my Peppermint shrimp just eating the hell out of my frogspwan. He ate almost an entire head. I dont know how im going to catch him. They have been in there for months and they are both getting big! Is there a reef safe fish that will eat peppermint shrimp?

a melanurus wrasse (or hovens wrasse I believe), I have had one for almost a year. likes small snails, wont touch the larger ones. and about a month ago i dropped in 4 peppermints, sure enough be swallowed 3 within 5 min. I still have one in there under my gsp.

its a beautiful fish really. I have the female

here is a picture of one. this is a female as well. the black dot on the tail says so.
Beautifully Colored Adult Male Melanurus Wrasse For Sale
a melanurus wrasse (or hovens wrasse I believe), I have had one for almost a year. likes small snails, wont touch the larger ones. and about a month ago i dropped in 4 peppermints, sure enough be swallowed 3 within 5 min. I still have one in there under my gsp.

its a beautiful fish really. I have the female

here is a picture of one. this is a female as well. the black dot on the tail says so.
Beautifully Colored Adult Male Melanurus Wrasse For Sale

Thanks I will look into that !
I think there are bad peppermints out there. my peppermint ate one of my blasto heads. i watched it rip pieces off and eat them.