Rescued Sick Bubble Coral...


Reefing newb
So I was @ one of the few LFS I trust and they had a sick bubble coral that I offered to take (free of charge mind you) and hopefully nurse back to health... Any advice form you guys would be greatly appreciated... I have him in the bottom of the tank and in very little flow... I have been feeding him @ night so hopefully he will bounce back in no time... Any thoughts on anything else I can do... My water parameters are perfect and have seeral other bubble corals thriving in the tank...


Here is a pic of what he looks like in my tank as of last night...


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I got a sick bubble coral a while back, there is a thread about it somewhere. I've had moderate success, it is growing back albeit slowly. Spot feeding when the tentacles are out was the key for me. You want to be careful not to blow to hard with the baster though or it will freak out and retract its tentacles.