Anem Behavior


Reefing newb
I have the anem in the picture below that hasn't really opened up since I put it in the tank 2 days ago. Is this common will it open up after it acclimates?


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anemone's are notoriously difficult, and require strong lighting, if you are still cycling I would bet that's the problem. tipically you should wait atleast a year before trying anem's..
+1 Nems require prestine water params and high lighting just like SPS corals. They don't don't like heavy flow which can cause them to wonder around the tank looking for a better place to call home. You'll need to tell us more about your setup and water params so we can better answer your question.
Alright took a little bit to reply to this but since then I moved it out of a high flow area where it was stuck. Moving it to a low flow area improved it's health 100%! Opened up and is looking great now, it was a bit constipated so after a day and a half of being where it is now it pooped and opened up.

Another question though; I have one rock that has 20 or 30 glass anems on it, would taking that rock out of the aquarium and placing it in something to dry it out or placing it in freshwater relieve the life on the glass anems?
You should get a couple peppermint shrimp to eat the smaller ones (smaller being less than an inch). And some Aiptasia X or Joe's Juice for the bigger ones.
I would get 5 or 6, because it can be hit or miss if they will eat them. They also wont eat them if they get to too big. So i would kill all the ones you can see with the AiptasiaX, and then the peps can keep them from coming back.

Be careful when buying them, camel shrimp look very similar but they arent reef safe and wont eat those nems.