new Goniopora - Purple


Reefing newb
just wanted to post my newest addition to my tank. When I asked my LFS guy he said easy to take care of and no worries about other corals or fish. After reading more about it i have decided to stop listening to him about purchases and to research more first. Either way i am lookin at this as a challenge and will focus on keeping this new difficult addition thriving.
Any help would be great appreciated.


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Yeah, he was bogus for misleading you like that...they are not easy to keep corals, and don't seem to survive too long in our tanks. Good luck with it though, some people have kept them for awhile. :)
The good news is, it's a darker colored goni, which are supposedly easier to keep than the other color morphs. Good luck with it. :)
Dec, 23rd will be 4months for mine. Its gone through a few issues falling over but i dont exspect much more out of it seeing as people have issues having them longer than 6 months. Goodluck with yours it looks nice.