
saltwater sasquatch

Reefing newb
Hey everybody.
I am having issues. I just recently had a huge ammonia spike. I did 2 20% water changes and got it down to normal parameters. However I do not know what caused it. It seemed to happen right after I added Purple Up which the LFS guy told me to use that to feed coral. However I think it is an algae feeder. Along with the ammonia spike my tank seems to be experiencing a large amount of brown hair algae and I mean a lot. I lost my yellow tang today as I think the ammonia spike was just to much for him. I am really concerned and worried that I am going to lose more fish. If anyone can help me I would greatly appreciate it. Ammonia levels are below are at 0 PH is normal nitrite and nitrate levels are good. I am not sure how to get rid of this algae or what caused the spike in ammonia.
Please help.
are you sure the tang didnt cause the spike? a sick fish that large can make an ammonia spike just as much as a dead fish. and yes purple up if for the growth of purple coralline algae... the calcium and trace elements are beneficial for corals but thats not feeding them. how much did you add and did you test yur trace elements before/after?
The Tang was fine until the spike and up until this morning was swimming like normal and eating. I added one cap full of the purple up per the instructions. I did not test the levels that could have been one of my mistakes. I am new to this I just hate making mistakes. I am going to not use the purple up anymore. How can I get rid of that algae?
you wont learn anything in this hobby without making mistakes trust me take them as a blessing... at least you didnt have a full tank crash. im not sure of the type of algae so i cant tell you how to get rid of it... could you take a picture? likely if its a persisting problem a week long black out will do the trick... what is your source water though? do you have an RODI filter or are you de-chlorinating tap water?
also are you missing any other livestock? something could have died and become wedged in your rockwork.... other than that or a sick fish i cant think of any good reason for an ammonia spike
I assure you the Purple Up didn't cause the ammonia spike.All Purple Up is pulvarized aragonite sand and RO water.

Something died or overfeeding is the only things that can cause ammonia to spike.
check on your nem, its death could cause your NH3 spike, or it very well could have died from the spike and the poisons it releases could be the cause of the death of the tang.
My anenome seems fine. I did add some live rock the other day. Could that have spiked the ammonia and all livestock is accounted for.
Thanks everyone for the help.
Good stuff.
Here are a few pics of the algae I apologize for the quality they were taken with my phone.


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looks like either diatoms or dinoflags... and yes the spike could have been from the liverock and seems to be your most likely asnwer as of now... when ever licerock is exposed to air there is a die off and its likelythat it was high enough to cause the spike. this is why its important to either add all live rock ast once or only add cured liverock/dry base rock after that point. as for the algae if it doesnt clear up [which it most likely will] then do the black out for a week. diatoms always appear with new rock and once they eat up all the silicates theyre gone. what kinda of source water are you using though?
Would it be better to buy distilled water from the store and use that for my topoffs and water changes. Or should I just bite the bullet and invest in a RODI unit?
Yeah, tap water can lead to non stop algae problems. You should use RODI water, especially if you have sensitive inverts. Distilled water is just as good as RODI water. An RODI unit will cost you about $150.
Ok so now that you guys have yet again solved another one of my problems I will ask what might be a silly question. How do you hook up the RODI system does it hook into your main water line or do you hook it into your aquarium filtration system? I apologize if this is a silly question just trying to figure out what I will be getting into.
when you buy the system the person helping you will tell you everything you need to know.. yea they hook into your main water and filter that. if theres no one to help the unit should be pretty self explanatory or have instructions... if not you can easily look them up online according to your brand.
It hooks up to the cold water line beneath your kitchen sink and the waste water drain from the kitchen sink. It's very easy to install. Even I can do it! :lol: