Yellow African anemone


Sail em & Sell em
I got a new Yellow african anemone. Its pretty but I dont Think I am going to keep it I wanted a RTA, but the guy told me this was the next best thing. I got home a did a little reading and these are dyed in food coloring? How mean...... Well do I need to be worried about this guy at all or will it just be a pest? I should of not bought it but I drove 60 miles and didnt want to come home empty handed!
ive never even heard of a yellow african anemone... do you have a picture?
any nem thats been dyed or bleached doesnt sound like its worth it to me. =/ sorry brotha... id assume that it will loose all its colour.. if you could figure out what anem they "started" with that would help
You have got to be carful because alot of anemone's are dyed. It is sad but it makes them easier to sell...
First off, are you sure this anemone is dyed?

Two, what are some details on your tank? how long has it been running whats the lighting? becuase you need to work out if you have the requirements to keep one.

If it looks good, it wont be a pest if you have stable water and good lighting because it will find a place it likes and stick there. But they can get pissed off and spend the day moving around.
Well here are some pictures....... All my water peramiters are good and also I have a dual 250 watt metal halide HQI 20000k bulbs also 2 14000k t5's, and night they get 12 led. I am thinking I am going try and trade him for a RTA!

Thanks guys!


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That looks a lot like a sebae anemone to me except, they don't come in yellow unless it's been dyed.
It is a pretty color. Too bad it's not natural. :( When I saw the picture on the other thread I for the life of me couldn't figure out what the heck it was. I have not seen one before and didn't even consider the fact that it could be an Anemone.